Police had approached Tarak at his residence last night for any inquiry & in support and cooperation Tarak has accompanied then to Mumbai. It is similar inquiry as we had in Hyderabad. He is not arrested as being told by news channels Do not panic and ask the leaders and panelist to be calm and composed at this hour.....
from - Ashish Dandekar { Z.M. SAOL}
Breaking News - Breaking News, Breaking News :-
Thousands of speak Asians have gathered in front of EOW office in Churchgate - Mumbai .Supporting Tarak Vajapaye and SpeakAsia. Dear SpeakAsians, its time to get together and show our Power In India. Lets Get United and show that we are together and we are one big community with Our Rights to have correct Information. Pls forward this in all Blogs and communities. People should be aware that SpeakAsia has supporters who stand together when required.
from - Ashish Dandekar { Z.M. SAOL}
Breaking News - Breaking News, Breaking News :-
Thousands of speak Asians have gathered in front of EOW office in Churchgate - Mumbai .Supporting Tarak Vajapaye and SpeakAsia. Dear SpeakAsians, its time to get together and show our Power In India. Lets Get United and show that we are together and we are one big community with Our Rights to have correct Information. Pls forward this in all Blogs and communities. People should be aware that SpeakAsia has supporters who stand together when required.
किरीट सोमिया ने बीजेपी की और स्टार न्यूज़ ने अपनी टीरापी की कब्र अपने हाथो से खोद ली है अब ऐसे में स्पीक एशिया को कुछ होता है तो इसकी कीमत हम स्पिक एशियन नहीं ये नेता और मीडिया चुकाएगी सब एक साथ मिलकर बोलो जय स्पिक एशिया,जय भारत माता, हम 20 लाख लोगो का ( एक कमजर्फ को छोड़कर जिसने रिपोर्ट लिखाई है मुंबई में ) पूरा समर्थन स्पिक एशिया के साथ है.